“There are three kinds of people: those who let it happen, those who make it happen, and those who wonder what happened.”John Richardson

Together, let's make it happen


Last Update

May 11, 2016 10:53 PM

Project Informtion

Coyote Springs is located on property owned by the Museum of Northern Arizona (MNA). In order to access to the springs the commuter must park in The Peaks (a senior living community), which is near the Museum of Northern Arizona’s research facility. Coyote Springs is one of the last natural functioning springs in the San Francisco Peaks area. Currently, there is a dirt trail leading from the street to the spring with an elevation of approximately 7,067 ft.
Therefore, the main objective is to create an ecologically friendly and aesthetically pleasing design that will replace the current conditions on the site location. This new design will improve the accessibility to Coyote Springs without removing an excess of the natural and cultural habitat. To that end, it will become a common gathering place for the residents of the Peaks and the citizens of Flagstaff.